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Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00Once again, we are collecting donations of non perishable items and monetary donations that will be used to help families have a truly blessed and delicious Thanksgiving Dinner.
We are in need of: Canned Goods(corn, Green Beans, Mixed Vegetables, cranberries etc) also- Boxes of mashed potatoes, boxes of Stuffing, Pkgs or cans of Turkey Gravy, plus any other items you think people migt like to go together with a 16 to 20lb. Frozen Turkey that is being provided.
All monetary donations will go towards the purchase of Turkeys and none perishable goods.
To be added to our list please call our church office at 559-582-4762 and leave a message with you first and last name and your phone number. We will call back as soon as possible to confirm.
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